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What is a static and dynamic IP address?  

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Static means permanent set IP address - like a website will have a static IP address, it never changes. Dynamic means temporary IP address - dailing up to the Internet with a modem or most ADSL connections has dynamic IP's. Everytime you logon to the Internet your ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) will issue you a new IP address.

What do I do when someone is behind a router and I want to control their PC with a trojan? -
You will need to use a trojan which uses reverse connections - meaning you don't connect to the host, the host connects to you. Bifrost is a trojan which has the mentioned function. Remember when someone is behind a router and your using IPstealer to get hold of their IP address, you are actually getting their routers IP, not their actual PC's IP. The router will have the persons internet IP (WAN IP) and their PC will have a difirent IP - their LAN IP.

How do I check if my own PC is infected with a trojan? -
Do a port scan on your PC and check which ports are open. If you find any open ports in this trojan port list you might be infected with a trojan. Download the trojan you think you might be infected with and connect to that specified port.


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